Friday, July 13, 2012

This is a poem I am writing for the conclusion of my Sermon, which takes a detailed look into the Holy Land as I experienced it. Thought I should share:

We have taken a little tour, to a place that is worshipped and revered
One that has so much History, and Holy in its years

I traveled to the distant land, expecting my journey to be enriched
I walked in the steps of our Lord, but never found my niche

You see, even in its wonder, marvel, and gaze
After the initial excitement the Holiness fades

Its become about business, money, and store
What once was Holy, is Holy no more

This tells us something about what we often revere
Our houses, jobs, and possesions, nothing severe

When you travel to that foreign land, its not all the things you can see
In fact, its what you can't see, thats key

All the pathways, rivers, buildings, and more
With all the synagoges, markets, structures, and doors

All the trinkets, gifts, and junk to spare
All the pictures, memories, and stories to share

Its not what you take away, that resides in your heart
Its what you never found, thats the largest part.

Just like the men and women of old
 atleast as far as the story goes

They came to the place where "Holy" lay
Only to find he had risen that day

As much as this trip changed how I share
It wasn't because of what I found there

Now this is the greatest story all
The story of a risen Savior never to fall!!!