Friday, October 28, 2011

the poor little mouse...

There was once a little rodent, he was a mouse
One that lived blissfully, he lived in a house

It was in that house, where he stayed in a room
One slight danger, the soft brush of a broom

Why stay in one room, when you have a whole house?
For is there such a thing as an unadventurous mouse?

The room was big, beautiful, and quaint
The mouse could run til he felt faint

Couches, chairs, dressers, and drawers
Tables, lights, windows, and doors

For if there was anything a mouse wanted, it was here
In this room filled with laughter and cheer

He had to be careful and watch for the shoes
But he loved the company and the fire’s hues

He was drawn to motion that occurred in his space
Always on the go, it was a special place

From gathering crumbs, to running flat out
This was what this room was about

So why stay in one room, when you have a whole house?
“Well why go anywhere else”, thought the mouse?

“It is this action, I want to be near
So for now I think I will stay right here”

The mouse remained for a while til one day he awoke
To loud noises, and out of his hole he was provoked

He scampered on out and to his dismay
A once bright and beautiful room, turned grey

He ran to and fro and looked all about
The room was empty, the furniture moved out

The windows were covered and the doors were shut
The mouse got a very sick feeling, in his gut

"What shall I do, where should I go?
For it is only inside this room that I know?"

The mouse pondered a minute then decided to lay
In the middle of the room where he used to play

It was there that he sat, and started to weep
He wept a while, til he went to sleep

One eye opened slightly, and the other did too
Another morning, with nothing to do

So what does one do in a room in a house?
That has nothing in it, except a little ole mouse?

Surrounded by nothing, lonely as can be
The little mouse looked up, and what did he see?

He saw a sign above the door’s crest
That said, “Beware, Vermin and Pests”.

Another sick feeling, came to his gut
His eyes once open, but now shut

The room was empty, and who was to blame?
The mouse knew it was he, and he lay there ashamed

There he lay in an empty room and vacant house
And that is the story of the poor little mouse…

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